Nominate Members

Nominate Yourself or a Fellow Member
Toastmasters constantly encourages members to step out of their comfort zone and take on new challenges. There is no better way to learn than by doing! Leaders aren’t afraid to take on new roles for the betterment of their careers and the organizations they represent. At Toastmasters, you’ll receive all the support you need to flourish in any position you decide to take on.
Are you ready to step into a new and exciting role within District 21? If so, there are plenty of opportunities to explore.

Leadership Opportunities
It takes a large number of volunteers to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. You are invited to nominate yourself or another member to join the leadership team. District 21’s purpose is to enhance the quality and performance and extend the network of the member clubs of Toastmasters International within the boundaries of this district, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program by:
- Focusing on the critical success factors as specified by the district’s educational and membership goals.
- Ensuring that each club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its individual members.
- Providing effective training and leadership development opportunities for club and district officers.
All positions must be held by a member in good standing. If you or someone you know would like to serve in one of these positions, please submit the District Leader Nomination Form to the Past District Director’s email.
District Leadership Roles
Our leadership is tasked with supporting the District Mission: We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.
Members also adhere to the Toastmasters International Mission: We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.
Each District is expected to operate by embodying the Toastmasters International Values of Integrity, Respect, Service and Excellence.
District Director
- As the district’s chief executive officer, direct the district in a way that fosters strong clubs, produces maximum growth in education completion, clubs and membership, and is consistent with the interests of members of Toastmasters International.
- Motivate the district to achieve Distinguished recognition.
- Achieve the mission of the district in a manner that motivates volunteer leaders and promotes a standard of excellence in all district activities.
At the time of taking office, the district director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a club president and at least 12 consecutive months as a program quality director, club growth director or division director or a combination thereof.
Program Quality Director
- Under the guidance of the district director, strive to have every club and each member reap the benefits of Toastmasters and to have every club become Distinguished.
- Provide direction and counsel to division directors, area directors, and club officers on the educational opportunities in Toastmasters.
- Design and conduct successful district training programs, conferences, and other district educational events.
At the time of taking office, the program quality director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a club president and at least 12 consecutive months as a program quality director, club growth director or division director or an area director or a combination thereof.
Club Growth Director
- Under guidance of the district director, make the benefits of Toastmasters membership available to greater numbers of people.
- Plan, develop, implement, and direct district marketing objectives.
- Develop and direct programs for new club development, club rescue efforts, club membership promotion, and membership retention.
- Achieve Distinguished District goals for membership and club growth.
- Promote standards of service to the membership and the club.
At the time of taking office, the club growth director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a club president and at least 12 consecutive months as a program quality director, a club growth director or division director, area director or a combination thereof.
Division Director
- Achieve the mission of the district within the division, accomplishing district goals in membership building and retention, club extension, and educational accomplishments.
- Ensure that each club realizes its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to members.
- Achieve Distinguished Division Program goals and ensure that areas and clubs within the division achieve Distinguished recognition.
- Serve the division clubs by providing district support and resources through the area directors.
At the time of taking office, the division director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a member of a district council.
Area Director
- Provide district contact, support, and assistance to the club so that it may achieve the club mission and fulfill its responsibilities to members.
- Help clubs by keeping in regular contact with club presidents in the area and by visiting each club at least twice during the year.
- Achieve Distinguished Area Program goals and ensure that each area club is Distinguished.
At the time of taking office, insofar as practicable, the area directors shall have served as members of a district council.
Administration Manager
- Help the district function effectively and achieve its mission by recording and maintaining accurate minutes of district council, executive committee, and other meetings.
- Serve as upholder of the District Administrative Bylaws and policies.
At the time of taking office, the administration manager should be a reliable, prompt, well-organized Toastmaster who can accurately record meeting actions, has access to a personal computer and is able to reproduce materials.
Finance Manager
- Establish and maintain effective fiscal management of the district.
- Promote the growth of Toastmasters by providing sound fiscal guidance to the district.
- Produce monthly reports reflecting the district’s financial status, and ensure that expenditures remain within the budget approved by the district council.
- Ensure that the district maintains the financial controls established by Toastmasters International.
At the time of taking office, the finance manager should have accounting experience and understand basic bookkeeping practices.
Public Relations Manager
- Work under the direction of the district director.
- Help maintain communication between the district and its members and work to increase public awareness of Toastmasters International through the media.
- Prepare a public relations program designed to achieve goals for membership growth, club growth, and educational achievements in clubs and achievement in the Distinguished Club Program.
- Promote district conferences and leadership training opportunities within the district.
At the time of taking office, the public relations manager should possess experience in and have a core understanding of public relations.
Conference Committee Member
Below you will find a list of all the “main” chair and support roles to put a conference together. All of them offer new friends and learning.
1. Registration Chair
2. Facilities Chair
2b. Stage Manager
2c. Hospitality Room Assistant 2d. Signage Assistant
2e. Decorations Assistant
3. Education Chair
4. Public Relations Chair
4b. Media Assistant
5. Credentials Chair
6. Entertainment Chair
7. Printing/Program Chair
8. Sponsorship Chair
9. Speech Contest Chair
10. Details/Protocol Chair
10b. Banner Parade Assistant
11. Conference Sergeant at Arms
12. Volunteer Chair
13. Conference Webmaster
14. Conference Emcee
15. Finance Chair
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to
Toastmasters Leadership Institute Chair
Works closely with the Program Quality Director and local Division Director(s) to plan Toastmasters Leadership Institutes in one of four locations. This could look like:
- Planning agenda for the day
- Securing food
- Recruiting and Leading team of volunteers for the event
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to
Club Retention Chair
Under the guidance and leadership of the Club Growth Director, you will serve as the eyes and ears for the District supporting clubs with 15 and fewer members.
Key Responsibilities:
- Help the Club Growth Director identify, monitor and support clubs within District 21 that have the potential for becoming ‘at risk.’
- As a result, you will help support clubs in their efforts to enhance their club quality and ensure that members are supported towards achieving their communication and leadership goals, resulting in greater membership satisfaction and retention.
- Support clubs by offering and supporting the setup of a club coach in applicable clubs.
Skill Building Opportunities:
- Enhance skills in relationship building, teamwork and risk management.
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to
Club Extension Team
Under the guidance and leadership of the Club Growth Director, you will support the growth of clubs to allow more people to gain the benefits of Toastmasters membership.
Key Responsibilities:
- Establish a list of new club leads and convert them to prospective clubs.
- Work with District leaders to plan and deliver demo meetings. Support recommendations of club sponsors and mentors as required.
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to
Open House Chair
Under the guidance and leadership of the Club Growth Director, you will help administer the Districts 6 meetup groups and promote clubs having open houses to attract new members.
Key Responsibilities:
- Add, edit and promote events on for six meetup groups.
- Work with the Division teams to promote open houses for clubs with 15 or fewer members primarily. Coordinate sending in extra support for open house day.
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to
A sponsor helps start a new club. Each new club may have up to two sponsors. The sponsor is responsible for organizing the new club, including selling the new club idea to prospective members; helping to set up regular meetings, completing paperwork, and planning the charter presentation. Note: Sponsors must apply for credit no later than 90 days after the club’s official charter date. Any changes or additions to the sponsor assignments must be made no later than 60 days after the club’s officer charter date.
Each new club may have up to two mentors. Mentors need to be experienced Toastmasters who actually join the new club, providing guidance during the first six months to one year of the new club’s existence.
Note: Mentors may apply for credit no sooner than six months after the club’s official charter date. A “mentor” is a trusted counselor or guide: tutor; coach. Your task, therefore, is to serve as a coach and advisor to the newly formed club. As a Mentor, you have the opportunity to share your wisdom, knowledge, and experience with new toastmasters who want to learn, grow, and achieve. Your responsibility is not to run the club, but to allow the club to learn and grow while gently guiding it toward excellence. By being a resource person, you can ease the growing pains of a new club and get it started on the right foot:
Coaching is the process of guiding and encouraging team members to achieve superior performance results. Your purpose as a coach is to ensure team members do what they are supposed to do, perform better, and reach their full potential. To perform effectively, team members need to know what is expected of them. A coach is considered successful if the club is distinguished by June 30th.
For a club to be eligible for a club coach, the club must:
- Have at least one but no more than 12 members in good standing at the time of appointment
- Not be suspended or closed
- Vote with a quorum present prior to requesting a coach
- Not have more than two coaches appointed at one time
- In order to be appointed as a club coach a member:
- Cannot be a current member of the club
- Must be in good standing
- Must request the District Director or Club Growth Director submit their appointment to World Headquarters for processing
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to ADMIN@D21TOASTMASTERS.CA
District Alignment Committee
Working with a team from each division to put forth recommendations of clubs moving between areas and or divisions to ensure a balance of clubs in areas. The recommendations will be put forward at the annual business meeting.
District Audit Committee
Work with the Audit team to review District 21’s financial records.
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to ADMIN@D21TOASTMASTERS.CA
District Credentials Chair
Do you want a really great reason to get to know all the Club Presidents and VP Educations in our many clubs that make up District 21? Becoming our District’s Credentials Chair may be the perfect opportunity for you! We have a brilliant mentor to help get you started and support you along the way.
A great credentials chair is:
- detail oriented
- organized
- comfortable with spreadsheets, email and willing to learn google docs
- enjoys connecting with people
- interested in gaining greater understanding of our District
Interested in getting involved? Shoot off an email to ADMIN@D21TOASTMASTERS.CA
Do you know someone in the district who deserves recognition for a job well done? Toastmaster awards are a valuable way to show appreciation and gratitude for your fellow members. Don’t worry; nominating yourself for all your hard work is also perfectly acceptable.