Council Meeting Standing Rules September 23, 2023
Gene Vickers, DTM – District 21 Director
Presiding Officer on September 23, 2023
1. Order of Precedence
All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and published policies of Toastmasters International for this meeting. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 12th edition, shall be the final authority as to parliamentary procedure, insofar as it does not conflict with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and published policies of Toastmasters International, with their order of precedence as indicated above.
2. Participation Authority
Only “delegates” [club officers/representatives that have registered with the credentials desk and received a voting ballot/card, plus “delegates at large” [the elected/appointed District Officers whose position qualifies them for DTM recognition] may make motions or participate in discussion on motions. Before addressing the assembly, a voting delegate shall state his or her name, and club number. Any other person [non-delegate] may speak if granted permission by the chair.
3. Credentials Committee Report
The Credentials Committee shall report at the appointed time of this meeting the total number of delegates registered. During the Credentials report, the Committee will confirm that this meeting has a quorum as defined by the Bylaws of Toastmasters International. * Proxies are NOT allowed in a virtual meeting.
4. Credentials Requirements
Each club in good standing with Toastmasters International at the time of this meeting is entitled to two (2) votes. The authority of each “delegate” to vote shall be evidenced by proper identification, in the case of the Club President and/or Club Vice President Educational. District Officers (Delegates at Large) are entitled to one (1) vote. The maximum number of votes each “delegate” may carry is three (3).
Note: “delegates at large” are NOT considered part of a quorum.
5. Timer
The Chairman (District Director) shall appoint an official timer(s) who shall say “TIME” and applaud when the time authorized has expired.
6. Time Limitation for Agenda Items
Debate or discussion on any item on the agenda shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes. Debate may be extended at the discretion of the District Director to allow additional discussion if fairness to requires or by the District Council by proper parliamentary procedure. The appointed timers shall time both the agenda item and the individuals speaking.
7. Time Limitation for Speakers
No delegate shall speak more than once on the same question or longer than one (1) minute. Debate may be extended at the discretion of the District Director to allow additional discussion if fairness so requires or by the District Council by proper parliamentary procedure. This limitation does not apply to point of order and appeal. The appointed timers shall time both the agenda item and the individuals speaking.
8. Voting Authorization
In addition to “delegates” from Clubs, elected District Officers, including Area Directors but not including appointed position holders shall be entitled to one (1) vote when present at this meeting.
9. Voting Procedure
Voting may be by secret ballot, show of hands from the “reactions” area of Zoom, or voice vote.
10. Balloting Procedure for Elections {Spring only}
The District Director, the Program Quality Director, the Club Growth Director and the Division Directors shall be elected by a majority {meaning more than half} vote of the
votes cast. In the event no candidate for a particular office receives a majority vote, the candidate having the lowest vote for that office shall be dropped from the succeeding ballot. In the case of a tie vote, the choice shall be decided by lot.
11. Implementation of Secret Ballot Requirement
Election of District Officers shall be by secret ballot unless a secret ballot is dispensed with by unanimous vote. If there is only one candidate for a particular office, the District Director shall declare the candidate elected by unanimous consent or acclamation if the District 39 Council approves dispensing with the secret ballot requirement.
12. Enforcement of Rules and Appeal
The District Director shall enforce the rules, but a member may appeal a ruling of the District Director. Following a brief statement by the challenging member(s), and a response by the District Director, the District Director shall put the question and a majority vote (or tie) shall uphold the ruling of the District Director. The District Director may vote on an appeal.
13. Motions
All decisions of the meeting are to be made by means of a motion made by a voting Delegate seconded by another voting delegate, stated by the Chairman, offered for debate (in the case of debatable motions), and then put to a vote by the District Director. The maker of the motion shall submit a written text of the motion to the District Administration Manager at the time the motion is stated “in chat”. Motions shall be stated in the positive, not in the negative.
On the basis of two (2) votes per club, one-third of the Member Clubs in good standing in the District shall constitute a quorum for all District Council meetings. The continued presence of a quorum is presumed unless the chair declares otherwise.
In the event that any business is transacted at any District Council meeting at which a quorum is not present, the action shall be deemed as valid as if a quorum were present if it thereafter is expressly approved by electronic transmission or other reasonable means by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Member Clubs in the District on the basis of two (2) votes per club.
When the voting process is conducted only the Club President and/or Vice President Education of any Member Club may vote on behalf of the club as its representative.
Either club officer may carry the club’s two (2) votes or each of these club officers may carry one (1) vote, as determined by the club membership. The representative from any Member Club in good standing is entitled to a maximum of two (2) votes. District Council members must cast their own votes; no proxies are permitted.
District Executive Committee members are entitled to one (1) vote and may cast up to two (2) additional votes as a representative of a Member Club, for a maximum of three
(3) votes.
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