Leaders lab and club officer training for all 7 roles. With Pat Johnson, Tom Jones and Cindy Laatsch.

Club Officer Training launches on

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Just when you thought Officer Training was done for the summer….here it is again! Our second annual training series runs from November to February 29, 2024.

This year we’re launching on Saturday morning, November 4th with an online Toastmasters Learning Institute (TLI) and Club Officer Training, from 8:30 am to 11:00 am PDT. Everyone is welcome to attend, but especially our experienced Club Officers. (DCP credit provided)

DON’T DELAY – REGISTER TODAY! (only takes a minute)

And now for something slightly different!

Our theme: Building Healthy Teams.

Our focus: helping our club officers strengthen their team communications and balance their roles for a healthier club experience. Not just with their executive teams but also with every member of their club team.

Our morning starts with expert advice and guidance from Pat Johnson and Cindy Laatsch, followed by breakout room discussions and brainstorming, then sharing major takeaways from each room back in the main session.

What better way to wrap for lunch: a dose of wisdom and inspiration with Tom Jones!

Online? In person? Or hybrid – what you need to know about contests this year!

Join us to get vital details on the 2024 Contest season: resources, Contest Planning tutorials, Judges Workshops and more. Bring your questions!



Are you new to your officer role?

Saturday, December 2, 2023

For brand new officers or members taking on a role for the first time, or even for members wanting a ‘role-refresh’, please sign up for our traditional Club Officer Training on Saturday morning, December 2nd.

Poster "Club Officer Training"

Why not get your training done before the new year?

Now is a great opportunity to earn Distinguished Club Program (DCP) Goal #9 credit for your club! Not possible? D21 Club Officer Training will also be offered in January and February 2024 during weekday evenings.

Club Officers may also attend out-of-district training, where offered. Please remember to connect with that district’s PQD or training organizer to confirm your attendance with pqd@d21tm.org

D21's Ask Me Anything

Questions-Comments-Want to chat? Please contact pqd@d21.org
Stop by and say hi, most Thursdays 8:00pm – 9:00 pm: Ask Anything.