We are proud of the many accomplishments already from the members of District 21. We have published the incentives for this year which can be seen on the District 21 website. As many of you are aware… as District Director, I have volunteered to speak at clubs when requested. We have a special treat for clubs looking for that boost. Please consider inviting the Traveling Toastmasters, who won’t only boost the energy for your club meeting but provide a clear path to boost your club’s meeting experience. If you would like to have the Traveling Toastmasters visit your club, please contact Karen Burgess (kburgessd21@gmail.com) District 21 is still looking for District leaders, this is a tremendous opportunity to boost your Toastmaster experience and leadership skills to take on a role (Division Director, Area Director, Club Coach). Make this year, your best Toastmaster year ever!
Gene Vickers
District Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: dd@d21tm.org
It’s beginning to look a lot like….CONTEST SEASON! To find out what you need to know to run a smooth contest, click the Rule Book!
Mark Your December Calendars
Saturday Dec. 2 – 8:30 to 9:45 am PST – D21 hosts online CLUB OFFICER TRAINING for all 7 roles. Please Pre-register. **Note: more COT sessions in last week of January 2024.
Monday Dec. 4 – 8:00 to 9:00 pm PST – PATHWAYS PRIMER: THE SECRET IS TO START WITH LEVEL 5. Make Pathways truly work for you by knowing the goal of your Path and working backwards to plan your projects. Please pre-register to receive a meeting link, a worksheet & Pathways resource.
Thursday, Dec. 7 – 8:00 to 9:00 pm PST – CONTEST PLANNING for INTERNATIONAL SPEECH & TABLE TOPICS CONTESTS: in person, online, or hybrid. Join us for a special “ASK ANYTHING” Q&A to find out what you need to know to run your club, area and division contests. Club Contests are coming in JANUARY – are you ready? Join the ZOOM meeting here.
Saturday, Dec. 9 – 8:30 am to 12:30 pm PST – JUDGES TRAINING WORKSHOP#2 with Dorothy Miller & Wendy Leroux. Judging is NOT the same as Evaluating! Hone your skills and learn how to pick a Winner. Please pre-register to recieve a meeting link.
Have a happy holiday!
Virginia Keast, DTM
Program Quality Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: pqd@d21tm.org
Dear Toastmasters,
As we come to the end of the calendar year, for many it is a time for reflection. Of what went well and what needs to be done to continue our journey as Toastmasters. The journey has been challenging across the board for all districts, however my congratulations to each one for your support and contribution in bringing District 21 to the 2nd best position in Region 1. My challenge to you is to plan how D21 will be the champion district in Region by the end of June 2024. It will not be easy, but I am confident in your devotion and dedication to strive to be the champion district in Region 1. Your District Leadership has agreed to reward each club that provides a lead, which becomes a new club with a District incentive. Full details are on the website. Thank you to all our Area and Division Directors for ensuring that we have achieved the minimum club visit reports required by 30th November. You are truly special.
Best wishes!
Shakeel Gaya
Club Growth Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: cgd@d21tm.org
What is your genius – at work, home and play?
When: 7pm – 9pm PST, Sunday January 14, 2024, on zoom
Please add the event on your calendar.
Join us for a self-discovery of your working genius? Do you find yourself frustrated with certain tasks and absolutely LOVE others? Do team members frustrate you when they don’t accomplish their assigned tasks? This session is for you! You will learn how to determine what are your two working geniuses, and how to identify and leverage them with the members of your team to get projects done. This session is based on Patrick Lencioni’s “The 6 Types of Working Genius” model. It will help you reveal why things work and why they don’t and help you find solutions to accomplish your projects and goals.
Congratulations to the 2022-2023 District 21 Hall of Fame award recipients!
The district honoured our leaders at the annual Hall of Fame Awards Celebration on October 20, 2023 for their contribution to District 21. We are proud of the dedication and energy these members gave in the past year. Please shout out to all this year’s recipients!
Appreciation Awards:
Jack Oldeheuvel – Area 12 Director
Brena Robinson – Area 13 Director
Elsa Carvajal – Area 54 Director
Nancy Scully – Area 62 Director
Kelly Arendt – Spring Conference Chair
Rob Evans, DTM – Webmasters
Jan Ireland, Club Retention Chair
Pat Johnson DTM, PIP – Extension Chair Advisor
Club President of the Year – Mary Wong
Area Director of the Year – Tom Dutta, DTM
Division Director of the Year – Brian Evans
Toastmaster of the Year – Carlos Millones
Executive of the Year – Karen Hall
Leni Richardson Award – Surrey Civic Toastmasters Club
Claire Ferris Award – Michael Bown, DTM
District 21 is seeking nominations for the elected positions of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Directors. Perhaps you are thinking it is time to step into leadership as an Area Director? We are also looking for you.
These positions will be filled by election at District 21’s Council Meeting on Saturday April 27th, 2024. All qualified members are encouraged to self-nominate and run for office.
Leadership in Toastmasters offers vital experience in:
- Team building
- Delegation
- Goal setting
- Planning
- Problem solving
Other key benefits are networking with other business leaders, making new friends, and gaining a better understanding of how Toastmasters works on a global scale.
To be best prepared for your campaign take time to read the following documents.
- Call for Nominations – Find out what is required of District Leaders and what qualifications pertain to each role.
- Campaign guidelines – also see policy 9.0 in Policy and Protocol and
- District Administrative Bylaws – Related to District Administration Bylaws issued and modified from time to time by the Board of Directors.
- Running your Campaign
Applications for the elected positions are due by February 29, 2024. All applicants must submit the Leader Nominating Form, Officer Agreement, District Officer Biographical Form and photo of themselves, to the District Leadership Chair.
If you have questions, contact District Leadership Chair, Karen Burgess at: dlc@d21tm.org.
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