Contest Season is December to April

With the holiday season approaching, it’s beginning to look a lot like…Contest Season!

Come the new year – Toastmaster’s 100th anniversary btw! – we’ll be launching our 2023-24 Contest Season with two contests:
International Speech Contest and Table Topics Speech Contest 

What? No Evaluation Contest?

That’s right – it’s not officially supported this year by our Areas, Divisions or District. HOWEVER, clubs are always welcome to hold club-level Evaluation, Humorous or Tall tales contests throughout the year. Why not ask other clubs to join in and help organize a multi-club event? Coming soon…

Sunday, Dec 3 – Toastmasters by the Sea – Club Table Topics Contest
Wednesday, Dec 13 – Advocates TM – Mock Table Topics contest
Saturday, Dec 16 – Master Motivators – Mock contest

Do add your club contest to the list. Submit your contest info at

What you need to know about Club Contests

Club contests take place up until January 31. By consensus, each club may choose its format: in person, online, or hybrid. Your VP Ed is responsible for ensuring your contest is organized and executed according to Toastmaster guidelines.  Have you planned yours yet?

Key Official to find right now: Contest Chair, Chief Judge, 5 Voting Judges, 2 ballot counters, 2 timers.

No 1 Resource: download the 2023-24 Contest Rule Book and print it out. Yes, it is long…but It is your authority on guidelines, eligibility and procedures. I highlight all the important bits and pencil notes in the margins! At the back: Checklists for Contest Chair, Chief Judge and Contestants. Lots of resources too.

About Eligibility

See Rule Book pages 6-7.

For Areas
Eight (8) weeks prior to the Area contest, if an Area has four (4) assigned clubs or fewer in good standing, Districts have the option to allow two (2) contestants from each club to compete in the Area contest. Continuing with our tradition, District 21 has accepted this option for 2023-24.

For Clubs 
To be in ‘good standing’ or have ‘paid-up status’ means having a minimum of 8 paid members, 8 weeks before your Area Contest, to be eligible to send contestants to Area-level contests and beyond. Area Level contests will take place during the month of February.

For Contestants 
You must be a paid member of a club in the Area in which you are competing. Your club must also be in good standing. Contestants must maintain their eligibility at all levels. For Division contest winners advancing to mid-April District contests, please note that Renewals take effect April 1 and this may impact your club’s standing. Numerous district officials are also ineligible, including: “Candidates for District positions elected by the District Council for the term beginning the upcoming July 1.” (updated for this 2023-24 Contest Rule Book)

For Judges (Chief, Voting & Tiebreaker)
At a club contest: you must be a paid member. At Area, Division and District contests: you must be a paid member for a minimum of 6 months, plus have earned completion of Level 1 and 2 in any Path or have completed a minimum of 6 projects in the Competent Communication manual.


Need more help?
  • Toastmasters International has abundant Contest Resources too!
  • Need help executing your contest?  Need Contest Officials? Contact your Area Director or

Every club should at least send contestants to the Area Table Topics Contests.
Get involved this year and have fun!