District 21 is seeking nominations for the elected positions of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Directors. Please visit the web page Call for Nominations – Toastmasters District 21 (d21tm.org) for details.
I hope everyone from District 21, had an amazing holiday season as we face exciting times heading into Toastmasters International Centennial year. I remember it as clear as it was yesterday when Rotary International had their Centennial year witnessing Rotarians around the world setting goals to ensure they enjoyed the most amazing Rotary year ever. At this moment, moving forward, we all have that same opportunity. Imagine, you could create something to remember for a lifetime. What will be your mark? Will you create an event that members of your club will remember for years… will you help others to succeed like never before… will you encourage someone or some people to step out of their comfort zone so they will blossom like never before… in short… embrace the opportunity… to help yourself… help others… enjoy the most amazing year ever. What will your stamp on Toastmasters International year be. Be amazing!
Gene Vickers
District Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: dd@d21tm.org
Let’s get the party started!
Whether we meet online, onsite or as a hybrid combo, this year promises to be like no other in club history: Toastmasters marks its centennial in October and our district will certainly be celebrating at our annual conference IN PERSON this year on April 27.
But hey! Let’s start right now to celebrate the efforts and achievements of our fellow members and the unwavering support we give each other at every club meeting throughout the year. Let’s make a big noise about our organization to the world – to the people who don’t yet know about Toastmasters or how it can enrich their lives. And let’s acknowledge our loyalty and commitment to our clubs by celebrating each and every anniversary of our 100+ unique ‘families’ spread out across southern and central BC…and beyond.
Look who’s celebrating this January and send your congratulations, or even visit one day!
BTW: here’s What’s Up in January to get you ready for contests, up to speed with Pathways and thriving in your club community.
Let’s celebrate 100 all year long. Would love to hear what you are doing!
Virginia Keast, DTM
Program Quality Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: pqd@d21tm.org
Hello amazing people of District 21,
January traditionally means the beginning of another year, but for Toastmasters, it really means the beginning of the second half of the year.
We have faced many challenges together for the last six months and come a long way with many success stories. The need is to regroup and ensure that the next six months (Jan-Jun 2024) provide us with an opportunity to do even more. To create new clubs and to help the struggling clubs achieve the Distinguished status.
Remember as we strive to grow District 21 with more clubs and new members, you are not alone. Your district leadership is there to support and assist you in achieving your goals as we move closer to celebrating A Century of Toastmasters.
Best wishes!
Shakeel Gaya
Club Growth Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: cgd@d21tm.org
How Close are you to earning your Distinguished Toastmaster designation?
Did you know that in order to earn your Distinguished Toastmaster designation, you must serve a one-year term as a district leader? There are numerous district roles that qualify for this requirement. To learn more about these roles, visit https://d21tm.org/nominate-members/ (scroll to the bottom for brief descriptions of the leadership roles).
To learn more about the criteria for earning your DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster designation) visit the Toastmasters International website here.
The following two workshops would help you be a rising-tide leader.
1) What is your genius – at work, home and play?
Join us for a self-discovery of your working genius? Do you find yourself frustrated with certain tasks and absolutely LOVE others? Do team members frustrate you when they don’t accomplish their assigned tasks?
This session is for you! You will learn how to determine what are your two working geniuses, and how to identify and leverage them with the members of your team to get projects done. This session is based on Patrick Lencioni’s “The 6 Types of Working Genius” model. It will help you reveal why things work and why they don’t and help you find solutions to accomplish your projects and goals.
When: Sunday, January 14, 2024 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm PST (GMC-800)
Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pceCurD8qG9DPmsoHdXXjeE9MbdKzwvPq#/registration
2) Leadership – What’s in it for you?
Join us for a panel discussion hosted by Past District Director, Michael Bown, PDD, DTM to learn what leaders say about their experience as a district leader. You will learn from past and current leaders how it has changed them; launched their careers; gained promotions; improved their self-confidence; and built their communication skills.
When: Monday, January 22, 2024 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm PST (GMC-800)
Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocOupqz4rGtwn3MO2n9yoE_96_yuipwWD
Karen Burgess
Immediate Past District Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: kburgessd21@gmail.com
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