Only 8 weeks until our District 21 Annual Conference…
Celebrating 100 years of Learning and Leadership
- Date: Saturday April 27, 2024, in Langley BC
- Location: Christian Life Assembly (CLA). (link)
- Time: from 9 am Registration to 6 pm Gavel
Don’t miss this dynamic ONE DAY celebration featuring:
- Keynote speaker Alan Warburton DTM, Past D21 District Director
- Inspirational speakers on building your speaking & leadership skills
- Reflections on the past; Brainstorming for the future,
- PLUS a big healthy lunch, 2 refreshment breaks and lots of time to mingle.
Greet old friends and make new ones! Check out our sponsor booths and Silent Auction. Have your CAKE (of course) and ice cream too!
ALL THIS for just $85* early bird pricing. $80* each for a table of 8. (*plus Eventbrite service fees)
Mark your Calendars for these March events:
DIVISION Contests for International Speech & Table Topics
- C Sunday March 10
- F Wednesday March 13
- B Saturday March 16
- G Sunday March 17
- A Saturday March 23
- E Tuesday April 2
- J Sunday April 7
Please note this new date for our District 21 ONLINE Contests: THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2024, starting at 7:00 pm.
Remember: Contestants love audiences. For dates and details, go to:
March 7,14, 21 & 28 – Ask Anything
Thursday, 8:00 – 9:00 pm PST. Stop by with your questions about contests or Pathways…or anything Toastmasterly. Join here.
March 12 – Pathways Primer – Making Pathways work for You
Wednesday, 7:00 – 9:00 pm PST. Our monthly session offers tips and guidance customized to your needs! Be sure to bring your questions and concerns.
March 25 – New Member Orientation – learn about your club meetings and much more!
Monday, 7:00 – 8:00 pm PST. Come and learn about your club meetings, Pathways and how to fnd what you need on your Toastmaster websites.
March 31 – Deadline for Renewals: You could win a $100 Toastmasters gift certificate for your club!
IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN and District 21 has Renewals Incentives to help you get your club dues in BEFORE the March 31 deadline.
YOUR CUB CAN WIN $100 at the TI online store.Here’s what you have to do:
- Renew 9 members by March 21, or
- Renew 20 members by March 21, or
- Add 3 new members to your club by March 31
For details, check out D21 Incentives for the details. *Certain conditions apply
DID YOU KNOW? Members can SELF- PAY their international dues. Check out this FAQ to learn all about it.
Have a great month, Toastmasters!
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