January Newsletter

January Newsletter

District 21 is seeking nominations for the elected positions of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Directors. Please visit the web page Call for Nominations – Toastmasters District 21 (d21tm.org) for details. I hope...
December Newsletter

December Newsletter

We are proud of the many accomplishments already from the members of District 21. We have published the incentives for this year which can be seen on the District 21 website. As many of you are aware… as District Director, I have volunteered to speak at clubs...
Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations

District 21 is seeking nominations for the elected positions of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Directors. For more information on additional leadership opportunities, please visit the District 21 website...
October Newsletter

October Newsletter

This has been a very busy start for our term serving District 21.  Budget done… District Executive Committee meeting done… District Council Meeting Done… District officer training done.  Now it is time to focus on the health of District 21.  One of...