- Call for nominations for the elected positions
- B.C. Proclamations – February is “Toastmasters Month”
- What’s up in February at D21
- Celebrate club anniversaries
- Leadership – What is it in you? (recording video)
It is an exciting time for Toastmasters. Imagine our 100th Anniversary and an opportunity to challenge yourself. Yes, you have the ability to make a profound difference in your club and beyond; helping it to grow exponentially, working with your Toastmaster friends. What’s your next step? Do you want support? Give me a call! Our District is providing some fun incentives to help. This is also an amazing time to step forward as a District leader. I have been a member for almost 20 years and will never forget the moment a District Director approached me to take that next step. Thank you Francoise Baroux for giving me that opportunity to serve and make a difference. How will you be remembered as a result of our Centennial Year.
Gene Vickers
District Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: dd@d21tm.org
February is Toastmasters Month in British Columbia
And we have the proclamation to prove it! This is the perfect month to reach out to your local media to pitch your Toastmasters club and members. A perfect time to hold an Open House. And a perfect year to celebrate 100 years of learning and leadership with your club and beyond…
At our first in-person district conference in 4 years! Mark the date Saturday April 27 and start planning your trip to Langley. Registration coming soon. Click here to see how you can help make our 100th year celebration a great success. We still need key organizers and team members!
Speaking of anniversaries, check out this list of district clubs celebrating their charter date in February and send your congratulations or better yet – pay them a visit!
BTW here’s What’s up in February in District 21:
- Area Contests
- Club Officer Training (to the end of February)
- Who’s celebrating an anniversary this month
Let’s celebrate turning 100 all year long. Would love to hear what you are doing to mark this special year for Toastmasters! An open house? A community event? A birthday party? If you have a story or article you’d like to share on our website, please let us know!
Virginia Keast, DTM
Program Quality Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: pqd@d21tm.org
February is a very important month for us in Toastmasters.
We have received the Proclamation from the provincial government declaring February as the Toastmasters Month.
What can we do with the proclamation:
- use it to recruit new members,
- take advantage of the “Talk Up Toastmasters” project by each member bringing a guest to the meeting during Feb and March,
- use it to renew the membership dues of existing members.
District 21 has instituted incentives for clubs to renew memberships and increase memberships.
Details will be posted on the D21 website shortly.
Best wishes,
Shakeel Gaya
Club Growth Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: cgd@d21tm.org
District 21 is seeking nominations for the elected positions of
- District Director,
- Program Quality Director,
- Club Growth Director, and
- Division Directors.
For more information on additional leadership opportunities, please visit the District 21 website https://d21tm.org/nominate-members/(scroll to the bottom for brief descriptions of the leadership roles).
Applications for the elected positions are due by February 29, 2024. All applicants must submit the Leader Nominating Form, Officer Agreement, District Officer Biographical Form and photo of themselves, to the District Leadership Chair. To be best prepared for your campaign, please take time to read more details from here.
If you have questions, contact District Leadership Chair, Karen Burgess at: dlc@d21tm.org.
Karen Burgess
Immediate Past District Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: kburgessd21@gmail.com
Leadership – What’s in it for you? (Recording video)
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