
I would like to take a moment to thank all of our District Leaders for the amazing job they have done organizing our speech contests. Congratulations to all of the members who have competed and will be moving on to the next contest. As a result of the efforts from the competitors, the volunteers and the organizers, it certainly raises the bar in District 21. Moving forward, the biggest challenge is for us to help our clubs grow and become stronger. There are a lot of District Incentives to inspire our members take on this challenge. If your club needs help in membership or with the Distinguished Club Program, please don’t hesitate to reach out for support. This is always the fun time of year when we see our efforts and those around us making District 21 an opportunity for new people to join and reap the benefits of Toastmasters. Are you ready for the challenge! Let’s do it…

Gene Vickers
District Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: dd@d21tm.org

PQD Highlights:

  • District Annual Conference April 27
  • Club Officer Training is a DONE DEAL
  • Contest Season features DIVISION Contests this month


The Countdown is on!

Only 8 weeks ‘til our District 21 Annual Conference

Register at https://d21tm.org/annualconference/

ONE AWESOME DAY for just $85* early bird pricing. $80* each for a table of 8.

*plus Eventbrite service fees

Celebrating our local Anniversaries too!

15 district clubs celebrate their charter dates this month. Why not pay them a visit?

Here’s the list. https://d21tm.org/lets-celebrate-our-club-anniversaries/

Relax. CLUB OFFICER TRAINING is over! (until June 1)

Thanks to the 350+ officers who attended from November 4 to February 29. If you feel there are errors or omissions, please speak up. There is a short grace period for changes.

Congratulations to our 7 out 7 clubs this time around. You have all earned a $25 gift certificate from the TI online gift store:

  • First Canadian Toastmasters Club
  • Salt Spring Toastmasters Club
  • Master Motivators Club
  • Mid Island Advanced Toastmasters Club
  • enRICHed Speakers Toastmasters Club
  • The Professional Edge
  • Good News Toastmasters Club
  • The Knights of Abbotsford
  • Walnut Grove Toastmasters
  • The Knights of Abbotsford
  • Envision Enunciators
  • Control Freaks
  • Langley Toastmasters 2743
  • Nelson Fresh Tracks Toastmasters

Contest Season continues with MARCH Division Contests

Check out the Contest Line up at: What’s up in March at District 21.

Virginia Keast, DTM
Program Quality Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email: pqd@d21tm.org

Hello D21 members,

How are you?

Some good news: we have chartered another club in Richmond. Thanks to Area 53 Director Charnél Izaks for the lead of starting a new club , we have the Demo Meeting scheduled for March 18th. Thank you to Area 50 Director Ajibike Ige for sharing the lead for another new club in Surrey.

What we need from you is to ensure that RENEWALS are completed in March. It would be a shame to miss out on your club’s distinguished status because the membership prerequisite was not achieved. Start now with renewals of the existing members and do not wait till the end of March. The incentive awaits you!

Best wishes,

Shakeel Gaya
Club Growth Director 2023-2024
District 21
Email:  cgd@d21tm.org