News & Resources

June Newsletter
Year-end messages from the Trio;
Thrive as Distinguished Clubs;
Education Sessions

What’s up in June at District 21
With our June 30 year end in sight, there is still lots of time to: Fill your meetings with prepared speeches: host a Speech-a-thon! Invite guests to an Open House, or plan one for the summer Celebrate your member’s accomplishments Begin the new year by owning...

How you can grow and help – at the same time
D21 is always scanning our province for leaders – like YOU! Even if you don’t think you are a leader…or don’t have the time. We have a role for you that will guarantee a win-win situation for your goals and your community! To learn more:

May Newsletter
Membership survey;
What’s up in May;
Meetup social platform;
D21 Contests winners;
D21 Trio 2024/2025;
Leadership opportunities in 2024/2025;
Building new clubs

What’s up in May at District 21
Here's what's racing up to meet us in May: A Week of Pathways Bedtime Stories: Monday May 13 - Level 1 - 7:30 - 8:00 pm PDT Tuesday May 14 - Level 2 - 7:30 - 8:00 pm PDT Wednesday May 15 - Level 3 - 7:30 - 8:00 pm PDT Thurs May 16 - Level 4 & 5 - 7:30 -...

Step up to Area Leadership for 24-25!
District 21 is actively seeking new Area Directors for 2024-2025! Will you consider? To learn more about the role and the time it takes, see: FAQ Area Director – What’s in it for you?

April Newsletter
District Annual Business Meeting;
District Online Contest;
District Conference;
International Board Briefing;
What’s up in April at D21;
Building new clubs

What’s up in April at D21
Our April 27 District Conference is just around the corner! And our tickets are only 66% sold (Whaaat????) Come on Toastmasters! This special day will be: ONE memorable celebration of a historic Toastmasters milestone; ONE dynamic day of inspiration and growth,...

Our Silent Auction Needs You!
Would you or your club be willing to help add to our Annual Conference by putting together a creative package of your own making, for our SILENT AUCTION?

March Newsletter
Division Contests;
Renew membership;
Register for the District Annual Conference;
Celebrate club anniversaries;
Building new clubs.

What’s up in March at D21
What’s Up in March at District 21? Check out the highlights right here and plan your month accordingly!

February Newsletter
It is an exciting time for Toastmasters. Imagine our 100th Anniversary and an opportunity to challenge yourself. Yes, you have the ability to make a profound difference in your club and beyond…