News & Resources

Banner Raid: Let’s Go
There is a unique and exciting activity that takes Toastmasters experience a step further – the Banner Raid.

October Newsletter
Now it is the time to focus on the health of District 21, contest preparation, finding new clubs, and the Hall of Fame event.

District 21 Budget 2023-2024
This is the the budget that will be presented at the District Council Meeting on September 23, 2023 District 21 Budget 2023-2024

77th Annual District 39 Fall Council Meeting Standing Rules
Council Meeting Standing Rules September 23, 2023 Gene Vickers, DTM - District 21 Director Presiding Officer on September 23, 2023 1. Order of Precedence All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and published policies...

District 21 Success Plan (2023-2024)
In the dynamic world of Toastmasters, where individual growth and club development are paramount, having a well-crafted plan is not just a club's prerogative but an essential directive for the entire district. Enter the Toastmaster District Success Plan, a strategic...

District 21 Council Meeting Minutes for April 29, 2023
Minutes for April 29, 2023 Chair: District Director Karen Burges, DTM Minutes: Administration Manager Hardip Virdi LD5 Read the...

Member Incentives 2022-2023
Each year the District offers several incentives to its members to win recognition and prizes. They are separated into three main categories: Member, Club, and District.

Club Incentives 2022-2023
Each year the District offers several incentives to its members to win recognition and prizes. They are separated into three main categories: Member, Club, and District.

District Incentives 2022-2023
Each year the District offers several incentives to its members to win recognition and prizes. They are separated into three main categories: Member, Club, and District.

Want to Start a Club?
Starting a new club can be a rewarding experience and a great way to bring the Toastmasters experience to people in your community or company.

Speaker Resources
No matter how well-versed you are as a speaker, there are always little things you can do to improve.

Public Relations Tools
Welcome to D21’s PR and Publicity Resource section. Check out the links and tips below to help you promote, build and grow your Toastmasters club.