This has been a very busy start for our term serving District 21. Budget done… District Executive Committee meeting done… District Council Meeting Done… District officer training done. Now it is time to focus on the health of District 21. One of my biggest passions is to take the strengths of our strong and successful clubs and encourage them to share with our more challenged clubs. If you are a club that needs help with membership… would like to have better meetings… or any other challenges… please don’t hesitate to get me involved. I have been fortunate to have been in a President’s Distinguished Club for 20 years and have loved helping clubs of 5 and 6 members… helping them to become President’s Distinguished. That could be your club… send me a message.
Gene Vickers
District Director 2023-2024
District 21
Our Fall season is unfolding with plenty of training sessions to help you grow your clubs and keep them thriving! Our second series of Club Officers Training will kick off Saturday, November 4th with a TLI event on building healthy teams. Everyone is welcome! Please check District Calender for details.
Contest preparations begin in November for our upcoming Contest Season with sessions for contest planners, contestants and judges! This year, our district is staging two contests: the International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest! Your club contests are to be held in JANUARY 2024, so make sure you check out all the sessions that will help ensure a successful event for everyone. Learn more about our 2024 contests here.
Virginia Keast, DTM
Program Quality Director 2023-2024
District 21
Great news : We were successful in chartering our first club for this period with almost 40 new members joining Toastmasters in District 21. A huge shout out to Barb Westlake and the Ambassadors Toastmasters for sharing the lead. Your club has qualified for a prize.
Who will be the next to get this reward for their club?
We are inviting all to an amazing program on Thursday, October 12th at 8PM to participate in “Finding New Clubs” by an amazing speaker/trainer.
We are still looking for club coaches for clubs wishing to grow and be more successful.This is an amazing opportunity to grow your skill set and help others at the same time.
Please contact me at
Shakeel Gaya
Club Growth Director 2023-2024
District 21
You are cordially invited to attend the DISTRICT 21 HALL OF FAME AWARDS celebration for the 2022-2023 program year!
When: 7pm – 9pm PST, Friday October 20, 2023, on zoom
Please add the event on your calendar.
Join host, Immediate Past District Director, Karen Burgess, DTM to recognize and celebrate District 21’s outstanding members from 2022-2023!
Come and listen to our keynote speaker Past International Director, Louisa Davis, DTM share with us how Toastmasters leadership can really change your life.
Who will be the recipients of the following awards?
- Toastmaster of the Year
- Area Director of the Year
- Division Director of the Year
- Clair Ferris Award
- Leni Richards Award
Join us in supporting your club members as they are recognized for the following awards:
DTM’s, Triple Crowns, Member Path completions, Speechcraft/Youth Leadership, Mentors, Coaches, Sponsors, New member Level 1’s and Distinguished or better clubs.
See you there!
Karen Burgess
IPDD 2023-2024
District 21
Are you looking to stretch yourself in your Toastmaster journey? Would you like to find out about opportunities that are available for you to build your skills? We will be hosting a leadership seminar in the near future that you will not want to miss. Stay tuned for more details or check the District Calendar.
District 21 Leadership Committee
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